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tv   Around the World  CNN  March 18, 2013 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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the chief operation officer of facebook is challenging women to fight against the barriers that keep this frem succeeding. sheryl sandberg's new book says it's time to begin a national conversation about the women. why, for instance, do women hold only 18% of the jobs in congress and 14% of the top corporate
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jobs? here's a surprise. sandberg told cnn's soledad o'brien that most of her critics are women. >> most of your critics are women. >> most of the debate about women has been women especially for the first couple weeks before the book was out. one thing someone asked me what was the most surprising thing, the most surprising thing was that no man said a word. i couldn't find a man writing a line saying a word. >> so what do you think that means? that they're just going to keep their head down? >> i think it's too hard for men to talk about gender. a friend of mine who runs a large institution says it's easier to talk about your sex life in public as a man than gender. i hope men enter the conversation and the controversy around my book because we need men to talk about this too if it's ever going to change. >> soledad o'brien with sheryl sandberg. that's all we have today. stay tuned because "around the world" with suzanne malveaux and michael holmes begins right now.
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welcome to "around the world." i'm suzanne malveaux. good to see you in person. >> good to have you back. >> it's very nice to be back. >> i'm michael holmes. let's begin inside. >> impact on the markets around the world today. >> indeed. why? because counting like a lot of european neighbors need a bit of a bailout. but it's the rescue plan being proposed would scoop as much as 10% from everyone's bank account. >> so of course it's got the government worried about the banks. the banks will be closed in cypress for the next couple days. we're going to go live to europe and why it's rattling the markets in the united states as well. >> all over the world. meanwhile world leaders continue to arrive for the inauguration of pope francis. there's zimbabwe's long ruler
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made his way to rome. >> and vice president joe biden is leading the delegation for the united states. he's joining a long list of leaders and dignitaries who will witness the official installation of the former cardinal from argentina. francis is the first latin american to head the catholic church. inmates back in custody but not until they had broken out of jail in quebec in rather unusual fashion. >> one witness describes it kind of as a james bond moment. you have these inmates hoisted onto a hijacked helicopter, flew away and then this is all happening in broad daylight. >> amazing scene. paula newton is in ottawa. it does sound like something out of a movie. this has happened before, but never where you are. how did they pull it off? >> as you say the middle of broad daylight, two accomplices, allegedly told a helicopter pilot they wanted to go for a
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sightseeing tour over the mountains, fine, they went up in the helicopter. the pilot says within a few minutes he had a gun to his head and he was told, look, you land in this prison yard. and they did. two tables went down. the prisoners hung onto those cables for dear life and that's when the james bond moment suz anne was talking about, they were literally whisked up again into that mountain territory. police say there was nothing funny about what the suspects did after that. they were armed and dangerous. they came out shooting when they were able to track down the helicopter and getaway car. thankfully it was over in about 12 hours. both suspects and two accomplices should be in court in a few minutes now. and now some of them charged with attempted murder and obviously hijacking that helicopter. mr. had asked was the helicopter pilot involved, police say no way. that person had to be treated for shock.
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they questioned him and still cannot believe what happened to him. >> what makes these guys think they can get away with this? flying from a helicopter dangling in the air. did they have a backup plan at all? >> well, i don't know. some people said he'd watched charles bronson or conair, i'm not sure what they were watching. police won't confirm it either that one of the suspects may have called into a montreal radio station in the middle of all this saying i just can't go back to that place. they do have suspected links to the gangs and that may have something to do with how this whole plan was hatched. but they thought, look, we'll get away with this and we'll go up into the forest and they won't find us. clearly though police say that they had spotted that helicopter and followed it right into the mountains basically from the get-go. >> unbelievable. paula, good to see you as always. paula newton in ottawa around that rather extraordinary story. >> i can't. it sounds like a movie.
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it's crazy. >> it does. one of the big stories moving markets around the world is the banking crisis brewing in europe. we're talking about cypress here. they need a bailout, not the first european country to do it, but people there are fuming because this rescue plan could cost them as much as 10% of the money they've got in the bank. >> so the plan is even shaking the markets here in the united states. want to bring in richard quest out of london and alison kosik in new york. richard, start with you here. you know, cyprus, very small, small country. but people say this is really the cayman islands, if you will, of europe for investors particularly russian investors. so what does this mean? >> well, the actual importance of cyprus to the eurozone, it is less than half a point, tsz minuscule. however, the way they have decided to bailout cyprus is revolutionary. they have said that all people with deposits in the bank will be taxed on them.
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under $130,000 it's a 6.75%, over $130,000 a 9% tax. and of course this is going to hit ordinary depositors, moms and pops, poor businesses, anybody who's got a bank account in cyprus is going to have to pay this tax. and it changes a fundamental principle of all bailouts so far. it is hitting the small people, the private investor, the private depositor. >> look at the other countries that have been bailed out. greece as a prime example where wages and retirement was slashed by more than these people are going to pay, which is a -- >> no, no, no. no, michael, it's not -- in cyprus case it's not an either or all, it's going to be a both. not only are they going to face this tax to help make up a shortfall, they're also going to
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have spending cuts and the government cutbacks, they're also going to have the recession that follows on as they try and make the economy back on track. this was done because some european countries believed to be the fins and germans and other northern european countries wanted to make sure they were not seen as bailing out rich russian who have accounts in cyprus. or indeed they now felt that people had to pay their part of the pain. but it was not done in ireland. it was not done in portugal. it was not done in greece. and with the prospect of possibility of spain and italy, you can see -- i cannot find, michael and suzanne, i cannot find one economist or banker that i've spoken to today that says this was a good idea. everybody agrees it was a pretty awful policy. >> let's bring in alison. i want you to weigh-in on the
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conversation here. we're looking at the u.s. markets. looks like it's down by eight points or so. what is the impact do you think in the united states? >> it's actually come back a long way, hasn't it? >> michael, it really has. you saw the knee-jerk reaction right when the bell opened the dow dropped as much as 110 points. obviously it's come back from those losses. the big worry here is that what can happen in europe can ripple -- can have that ripple effect right here into the u.s. europe is one of our biggest trading partners. if you see the banks getting squeezed, if you see consumers in europe getting squeezed, not just in cyprus but see the ripple effect move throughout europe and make its way to the u.s., that is really the big worry here and why you see investors. the good news is that the general sentiment for the u.s. markets lately has been extremely bullish. still there's a reality of the impact, the potential impact of what's happening in cyprus and then could possibly be used as a sort of framework for other bailouts for other countries in europe. and the worries of that
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ripple-effect, that is what investors are worried about. even though cyprus is a tiny country, this has huge implications for other countries. can it catch on? we know what richard was talking about. greece, portugal, ireland, they took bailout. they've got to follow strict rules to continue getting their money, but this is over and above that, at least that's how many people feel when you've got the government reaching in to your bank account and taking your money out. michael and suzanne. >> yeah. the banks too. thanks, richard, alison, good to see you both. the banks are getting closed for an extra day so there's not a run on the banks tomorrow. >> can you imagine the fear though of people? that's the real money. that's people's money. >> yeah. they're trying to get it out before it hits. >> here are some other stories we're working on for "around the world," a rare sight in syria. bashar al assad's wife and children now out in public. >> also ten years after the start of the u.s.-led invasion
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of iraq, we're going to go back to the scene of one of the war's fiercest fighting. and plus it looks like a scene at any church, right? it's the pope out in the middle of all these folks out and about. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. love your passat! um. listen, gary. i bought the last one. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month.
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welcome back. some of the stories making news around the world right now. china's saying that the u.s. plans to beef up its missile defenses is not going to raise tensions over the north korea could make worse. >> and following the latest threat from north korean leader kim jong-un. violence ratcheting up in syria of course where the conflict continues to grow and spill over borders. lebanon state television news agency says syrian war planes shelled villages in northern lebanon today. >> and sources say two jets fired rockets that hit empty buildings in the lebanese border town of arsal. there are no injuries we're
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told. just last week syrian state media informed armed had infiltrated from lebanon. pope francis meeting with the president of his home country. the vatican hoping it will quell controversy over france's alleged conduct when argentina was run by military dictators. >> some are actually saying he did too little, too late, to protect who jesuit priests. 30,000 leaders and intellectuals disappeared or were held in secret jails in torture centers from 1976 to 1983. >> the other cardinal francis also clashed with argentina president over his opposition to same sex marriage. in india six men are now under arrest. this is the gang rape and robbery of a swiss tourist. they appeared in court just a short time ago. >> it was the woman and her husband were camping near a forest in central india when they were attacked. they were on a biking tour.
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>> and the case is now focusing fresh attention on the number of sexual assaults in india. take a look. >> reporter: the six men arrested for the rape and robbery of a swiss woman in a remote part of central india over the weekend has confessed so their crimes. local police say they have items that were stolen. but cpossessions in police custody are not admissible in the court of law here. the police have also sent blood samples of the six suspects for dna testing. those results of the dna testing will be submitted to the court once they're ready. police say the six suspects belong to a local tribe. they're actually known criminals. they have a history of alcohol trafficking and drug trafficking and they live very close to where the swiss couple was camping out that night. now, the swiss couple has been in india since early february. they're actually on the cycling
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tour cycling from the city of mumbai all the way north to tajmhal. this took place in a very remote part of the country. the crime was committed by criminals who are well-known. and, yes, something like this could have happened anywhere in the world, but still observers here say the fact that this is happening so soon after the delhi gang rape case does not put india in a good light. cnn, new delhi. >> that couple receiving medical treatment now, they're both willing to identify the suspects in the case. and they're actually going to stay at the swiss embassy in new delhi for quite a bit of time. >> yeah. no plans to leave at the moment. i want to go to the pope now, the unpredictable pope if we could call him that. shaking hands, meeting, greeting face-to-face with the faithful. that's coming up. and reminder of course to watch cnn's new show "the lead" with our friend jake tapper
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starting today at 4:00 eastern for our u.s. viewers. [ male announcer ] this is george. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ otherworldly things. but there are some things i've never seen before. this ge jet engine can understand 5,000 data samples per second. which is good for business. because planes use less fuel, spend less time on the ground and more time in the air. suddenly, faraway places don't seem so...far away. ♪
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this is pretty cool.
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the new pope delivering his first sunday message from his papal apartment. that happened yesterday. i like this guy already. >> he's pretty -- according to outside the vatican capturing a lot of attention, ben wedeman caught up with pope francis among the people on the streets of rome. >> reporter: it could be any church, the priest greeting worshippers one by one after sunday mass. but it wasn't any church. and it wasn't any priest. it was pope francis at the santa ana parish. he stepped outside the vatican and into italian territory to greet well-wishers. >> i was watching some of the video when he came out of the church and obviously he was very personable. he's really connecting with the people. >> reporter: in his first sunday as pope, francis appeared at the window of his papal apartment
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overlooking a packed st. peter's square speaking of forgiveness and compassion. and a laugh when he insisted he wasn't providing free advertising for a cardinal who's writing he praised. he ended his message with a simple wish, have a good sunday and have a good lunch. maria, arj tin ya, already feels closer to the pope. >> now he's coming closer and we are very happy for that. >> reporter: his personal style is going down well. >> seems like a very nice pope. very humble. >> want to bring in our ben wedeman joining us live from rome. so pope francis really shaking things up a little bit there, huh? >> yeah. shaking things up. also shaking up his security a
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bit. one of the italian newspapers quoted a member of his security detail after that incident when he walked out into the streets of rome saying if he keeps this up, we're going to all go crazy. >> well, i can imagine it is giving them heart attacks. talk about inauguration tomorrow. what's likely to happen? we've touched on the guest list, but also robert is there despite an eu travel ban, is that being talked about? >> it's being talked about, but according to the protocol between the vatican and italy going back to 1929, there's no interference by italy with visitors to the vatican. and according to what i've read, robert is described as a roman catholic. >> what happens at the inauguration then? what do we expect? >> well, the pope is going to be out early in the pope mobile going around st. peter's square
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and then there's going to be a special mass on the occasion. now, what's interesting is the vatican is already saying even though they're going to be publishing the text or releasing the text of his homily beforehand, they say he's an unpredictable man and he may depart from the text. already, for instance, we're hearing that the ring of the fishermen, the traditional gold ring of the pope is going to be different this time. it's not going to be solid gold. it's going to be gold plated silver. so he's already departing from some very old traditions followed by the pope. and i suspect this is the beginning of an untraditional pa papacy. >> pretty amazing. >> walking in the shops. >> not wearing the shoes. >> good to see you, ben. we'll talk to you again soon. it's been ten years now since the start of the iraq war.
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one man stood out with our arwa damon and he risked his life by speaking out. we're going to go back to his town and find out if it was worth the risk. neil and buzz: for teaching us that you can't create the future... by clinging to the past. and with that: you're history. instead of looking behind... delta is looking beyond. 80 thousand of us investing billions... in everything from the best experiences below... to the finest comforts above. we're not simply saluting history... we're making it. chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance.
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starting at just $99. hurry. this sale ends march 31st. adt. always there. welcome back everyone to "around the world." here are the top stories. >> ohio's attorney general says more people could face charges in the ne and ugly after he announced his verdict, both boys did apologize, one breaking down in tears. >> i would truly like to apologize [ bleep ] my family and community. i would like to apologize. i'm sorry i put you guys through
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this. >> malik richmond was sentenced to at least a year in a juvenile correction facility. trent mays got a two-year sentence. istanbul, turkey, now. police are questioning a suspect in the killing of a new york woman in january. the suspect was caught at a border crossing just yesterday. >> mother and amateur photographer from staten island was found dead, you may remember this story. this was by an ancient war in istanbul. and tomorrow marks the tenth anniversary of the start of the iraq war. the big question whether or not it was worth it, it was very controversial, a lot of people talking about it and it depends on you who ask. >> indeed. thousands of course of american families suffered losses. according to the pentagon more than 4,400 u.s. troops were killed in action. for every u.s. combat death, seven were wounded. almost 32,000 americans came home with battle wounds. >> so we may never really know
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how many iraqi civilians died in the war. arwa damon covered the war for almost the past ten years or so. she has an incredible perspective. early on she met with an iraqi man. and in the beginning he welcomed u.s. forces. now he says he regrets this. and the country is worse off than before. >> yeah, indeed. arwa stands literally years covering the war. i should warn you her report here contains graphic images that may be disturbing to some viewers. >> reporter: we're heading along the euphrates river valley. lands that once made up part of al qaeda's kingdom in iraq. driving towards a town close to the syrian border. the market is vibrant, alive. so different from the last time i was here.
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it was november 2005. i was embedded with u.s. marines on operation steel curtain. it was similar to countless other combat. troops going house-to-house, civilians filing out petri fied. a man named mohamed was among them. and he told me. >> translator: we want them to save us from the terrorist. we want stability. >> reporter: a simple wish perhaps, but al qaeda killed anyone who spoke out against them. no civilian i had ever met had dared do so so openly. i was in awe of his courage. the battle was intense. fighters worked in alleyways, hid behind doors. the ground shook in the u.s. bombardment. but it wasn't only al qaeda they
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hit. in one strike one entire family was killed. people had buried the dead in a garden. a curfew prevented them from going to the graveyard. when we arrived they were digging up and moving the bodies. all but one were women and children. and there was mohamed still searching for victims. the dead were his relatives. as the body of 11-year-old abdullah was recovered, mohamed said. >> translator: look at him, look at him. you would swear that he was sleeping. >> reporter: seven years later i want to find mohamed again. so we gave one of our springers who kind of works in this area a photograph, a screen graph footage we had of mohamed. and we told him the story and he began to track him down. turns out he's pretty well
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known. but we think his shop is right around the corner here. i want to give him a hug, but that's not appropriate here. i tell him he hasn't changed and that i have thought often of his family. >> translator: look, that's my son. remember the one who had the little baby? he was shot in his stomach by the americans when he was in his car. >> reporter: his tone, matter of fact. he's so welcoming it's humbling. we walk towards his house. so he remembers exactly how the military unit that i was with actually approached his house and his street. and we've come up from this narrow alleyway. this part i do remember, but in this house right there there was a foreign fighter who had just been killed by the u.s. forces. it's a bleak tour. he points out another house that al qaeda had taken over. al qaeda at the time actually threatened him because he was
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complaining to them about the fact they were endangering people in the neighborhood by, you know, their presence there and also because they were bomb making -- making all of these bombs and whatnot. and then he proudly introduces us to his family. this young man now was the baby that he was carrying in his arms when he first walked out of the house when we first met him. and then i asked, why did he speak out and beg the americans to save them? >> translator: we had nothing left to lose. we wanted security. we wanted to get rid of this chaos. >> reporter: then came the air strike. >> translator: i never imagined we would pay this price. we never imagined the americans wouldn't differentiate between friend and foe. it was all the same to them. >> reporter: he's unable to articulate his emotions that
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day. the rubble of the house that was pulverized is long cleared. another home built on the lot. grass covers the place where those bodies were temporarily buried. rows of tombstones just a short distance away. some of these graves still have what was used as the original tombstone lying next to them with the name just crudely carved into the rock. and it was all that they could do at the time so that they would remember who was buried where. today, mohamed's views about the u.s. invasion are very different. >> translator: i wish that the americans had never come. they ruined our country. they planted divisions and brought in things that were not here. >> reporter: ten years on iraqis are still paying the price for an invasion they had no say in. >> wonderful reporting as always. she joins us live from baghdad.
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arwa, when you look at the country now and i know you've been back in and out over the last few weeks, you still have corruption and high unemployment, there's still sectarian violence that continues. i'm wondering how typical you found mohamed's view to be. >> you know, michael, it really depends on who you talk to. it's also a very complicated question and issue for iraqis because the situation for them is really not that black and white as to whether or not they regret the u.s. invasion. because by and large iraqis of course wanted to get rid of saddam hussein. he was a brutal dictator. there was so much hope and optimism when the americans first came in, when that statue came tumbling down and the regime fell. but the hopes people had, they were so quickly dashed as this violence took over and iraqis as we heard mohamed saying ended up paying a price they never expected they would have to pay. it's really one that they
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continue to pay to this day. this is a war that completely and totally caused society to d disintegrate. they're still dealing with a fair amount of violence albeit the number of people being killed every day are down, but it's just a very complicated and very emotionally complicated situation for people. >> and without getting too personal, you and i have spent months in baghdad over the course of the war and i know how much you've cared about what it was you were reporting on. what's it been like over the last few weeks to be going back and meeting up with these people that you interviewed and dealt with for years, really? >> it's actually quite depressing and very sombering because the more people you speak to, the more prevalent we're hearing this statement of i don't recognize my own country, i don't recognize my own people, i'm losing hope. we even went to see a family who was part of the remnants of, you know, baghdad's intellectual
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elite and they decided to stick it out here throughout the worst of the violence even though they did have the financial means to move. they always had hope back then even when the killing was at its worst and now they're saying that they don't. and it's almost as if now that the numbers are down, the violence is down, people aren't so focused so much on that issue of daily survival. all of these other fundamental issues in society are rising to the top. and it's like so many iraqis say, it's really about what kind of a life, what kind of quality of a life does an individual have? and for many iraqis here that real quality of life is just lacking. >> arwa, one question i have for you here, well, one of the things that was extremely frustrating cover the white house under president bush is we could really not get a handle on a number of civilians, iraqi civilians who were impacted and killed by this war. you have the numbers, the tallies for americans, but not for the iraqi civilians. you speak with this man, i get a sense that every family, every person there is touched or perhaps knows somebody who's
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been killed. >> yeah. absolutely. i mean, just about everyone who you speak to does. and the other thing too is driving through most parts of the country it's hard to find a neighborhood that hasn't somehow been touched by some sort of a tragedy. the other thing now that you mention that was quite frustrating too about reporting early on is that remember for the longest time the u.s. administration and military were actually denying that the violence was as bad as it was until the numbers became so high, the attacks became so frequent that they couldn't deny it anymore. and now the tally for iraqi casualties ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. >> yeah. i think some estimates as high as 600,000. and arwa, your reporting has been extraordinary. more reporting coming up in the days ahead as well. >> thank you, arwa. really appreciate it. so if you wear a beard in egypt, you can't serve in the police force. and there's a fight now to actually change that law. that's up ahead.
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anncr: and many of the tornado's victims are... without homes tonight.
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girl: first, i saw it on cable. then i read about it online. i found out how to help. i downloaded the info. i spoke up... and told my friends... and they told their friends... and together, we made a difference. anncr: and tornado relief has been pouring in from... across the country. girl: we might be hundreds of miles apart... but because we're connected, it's like we're all neighbors.
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so you're kind of clean shaven there. >> only when i'm working. if i don't work, i don't shave. i hate shaving. >> that's a scary thing. >> yeah. i look -- >> mean, huh? >> no. around the world facial hair of course is common in some parts of the country. >> it's also political too, right? >> it can be. and it can be religious. which brings us to this. >> it doesn't matter if it's thick or thin, long or short, black or greying, if you wear a beard here in egypt, you cannot serve on the police force. islamic law requires me to wear a beard, says this police officer. that's why maher and more than 50 officers have pitched tents, packed their belongings and staged this sit-in right next to egypt's interior ministry.
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they're not going back to work, they say, unless they go back with beards. >> we want to stay here until the president make a decision to give us this right. >> the ban on beards for police officers here in egypt started under president hosni mubarak who was notorious for keeping islam out of politics and out of the police force. one of the most effective tools mubarak used to oppress islamists was brutal attacks by the police force. then came the 2011 revolution. out went mubarak, in came the promise of political and personal freedom for all egyptians. including freedom for devout muslim egyptian men who believe their prophet mohamed said men should wear beards. it's a teaching many muslims accept, but not all. i respect my religion's teaching and what it orders me to do says
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officer maher, energized by the revolution some police officers started sporting beards. the interior ministry suspended them. the bearded band of police hit back with lawsuits and protests. we won't leave, says this captain. we want egypt to be based on the values of the revolution, to not ban people based on gender or religion. egypt's battle over beards highlights the intense conflict that came after the revolution between islamists and secularists. fueling the conflict? deep-seeded mistrust on both sides. >> you wouldn't trust it? >> no. >> came world famous blogging about human rights in egypt. convinced bearded officers are on a mission to islamtize the police force. >> i will not be comfortable if the cop who stops me and asks me for my car license is a bearded guy. i will never be comfortable. >> egypt's bearded officers
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insist all they want is to serve on a secular force while honoring islam. this dilemma is one of many challenges for a young revolution struggling to create a democracy where secularists and islamists can live side by side. reza sayah, cnn, cairo. >> duchess kathrine says she wants a boy. >> but prince william -- the gender we're talking about. >> and reminder to watch cnn's new show "the lead with jake tapper" starting today at 4:00 eastern. >> we look forward to him promoting us, don't we? [ lisa ] my name's lisa, and chantix helped me quit. i honestly loved smoking, and i honestly didn't think i would ever quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking.
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well, the huff is back in berlin. >> hello. i've been looking for freedom. >> all right. american actor david hasslehoff appeared at a rally to support save the berlin wall. "looking for freedom" is a number one hit in germany when he first sang it atop the berlin wall in 1989 before east and
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west germany reunited. i was there when it opened. >> really? were you? >> yep. that makes me feel really old. >> did you see it come down? >> yeah. absolutely. >> i had a piece of the wall. i visited three months later. everybody should have a little piece of that wall. >> exactly. >> yeah. memorialize it. england, this is where you've got some news here. the royal baby, kathrine says she wants a boy. the duchess reveals her preference while talking to a soldier as she was handing out shamrocks. >> she also revealed that her husband prince william would like a girl. we're going to have to wait out to find out whether the royal nursery is decorated in pink or blues. >> go with green. we turn to the situation now in syria. developments that could actually make things even more tense over there. >> lebanon's state news agency is saying that syrian war planes actually shelled villages in
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northern lebanon today. sources also say targeted aarsal close to the border. nick payton walsh joining us live from beirut. tell us about what we actually saw from damascus over the weekend. >> you saw the first lady making a rare appearance at the damascus opera house speaking to the mothers of soldiers who died fighting trying to raise funds and awareness for them. a rare public outing. we often see her emerge after moments where the regem's perceived to have some degree of crisis. i think people may be looking back at last week when the regime appeared to be boosting and trying to get people to join up to the armed forces. i think they put her out in public to remind people business as usual. she's still able to do what she can in central damascus but there's no doubt it's an
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exceptionally tense and surrounded place and may be another sign in fact the regime is cracking. >> and what about this cross border? what does it mean? what's the significance of it? what could it lead to? >> well, this is an area on the border we understand from military source pretty much actually the kind of hazy border land. it's a mountainous town. a lot of rebel sympathy for syrian rebels from there. this is a first time that particular area has been struck. i spoke to a local there who heard two syrian war jets flying overhead. three rockets landing. apparently they hid barren empty buildings and no injuries. but the key thing here is that this will spread to all four neighboring countries now after the conflict. lebanon has tried to state out. the government's called association despite the different sects being closely aligned to the fighting going on across the border here. things like this just risk setting off the incredibly dry and volatile situation inside lebanon. nothing's happened just yet.
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people are already on pin hooks here for the sectarian problems already coming to the surface. >> nick, thank you very much. nick paton walsh in beirut. this is disdisturbing. this is out of mexico. a 7-year-old boy dies after a lung infection. it is because a bully forced their son's head into a toilet. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. ♪
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very disturbing story for you now from mexico where authorities are investigating the death of a 7-year-old boy who died after a severe lung infection. >> his parents actually say he was a victim of extreme bullying. and raphael romo, he explains why. >> a black ribbon at the school's main entrance honors the memory of a first grader. the 7-year-old died two weeks ago from a severe lung infection. his parents have filed a criminal complaint with authorities in the mexican state claiming their son was a victim of an extreme case of bullying. they say a classmate forced their young son's head into a toilet which caused a serious infection. >> translator: we've been told they forced his head into the toilet, the water got into his lungs causing the infection that oechbtly traveled to his brain. >> reporter: the boy's mother said she suspected something was
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wrong from when he wasn't acting right after school. >> he was sad and said he wasn't hungry at all. >> reporter: the boy died just a few days after leaving the hospital. other parents and students at the school say he was the victim of a bully who has victimized children before. >>. >> translator: one day my son told me the bully stabbed him with a knife. i didn't believe him at first. one day i ran into the bully's mother and she dismissed my complaint. >> reporter: this boy says the alleged bully choked him once and frequently terrorizes other kids. some parents claim the bully had been suspended for several days after pulling down a classmate's pants. school officials decline comments citing privacy reasons. an investigator with the state's attorney's office confirmed to cnn they're investigating the boy's death as a case of bullying. this investigator says the alleged bully denied any involvement when he was interrogated in front of his
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parents. >> translator: first of all, the parents are appalled and can't explain the situation. they also want to get to the bottom of this because they're the parents of the child being accused. but i believe they're not anywhere near accepting their son's responsibility if that's indeed the case. >> raphael joining us. so, raphael, first of all, it's a very sad story. do we have any sense for these parent who is have lost their child, can they prove? can they make a case here that they know this was because of the bullying incident? >> so far not conclusively, but what some mexican media reports say part of the investigation is going to stand around the fact that there was some fecal matter was found in the autopsy so that may indicate that the incident of extreme bullying such a tragically incident caused the death of the 7-year-old boy. >> how old is the bully? did school officials know about it? did they do anything? >> he's 12 years old and there
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was evidence of at least one prior case in which school officials took action. but mexican law prohibits any sort of punishment against anybody who is 14 years of age or younger. so there's really not a whole lot that authorities can do against him at this point. >> we know bullying is a big problem here in the united states. is it also really an issue in mexico as well? >> it is a huge problem in mexico. the good news is that in the last few years awareness of the problem has been raised by school officials, the federal government. and there was a law approved in 2011 that addresses specifically that. the law calls for schools to take measures, preventive action to stop the problem. >> all right. rafael, thank you. appreciate it. >> disturbing stuff indeed. all right, on that note, that will do it for me. thanks for watching "around the world." great to have you back. >> nice to be back. always good to see you. >> see you tomorrow. >> you got it. i'll be here.


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